Create wage profile
In the wage profile you can specify costs that the driver incurs. You can assign multiple vehicles from your fleet to a wage profile.
In the title bar, click on
Select the entry
Vehicle management.
Vehicle management opens in a new tab.
Click on the Wage profiles tab.
On the toolbar, click
The Create wage profile window opens.
Make the desired settings.
Section and element Description Entry field Wage profile name Enter a meaningful name for the wage profile. Include minimum wage laws
If this option is enabled, the minimum wage will be included for countries which are enabled in the settings (see General settings).
If the option is not enabled, the minimum wage is not taken into account.
Drop-down list In which country is the driver employed? Select where the driver is employed. The country of employment is relevant for calculating the minimum wage (see Effects of the European minimum wage act on forwarding and logistics).
Salaries area Hourly wage Here you can enter or adapt a driver's hourly wage. Factor If required, you can enter a factor by which the hourly wage should be multiplied in order to obtain more realistic personnel costs. Button Personnel cost settings For which periods do the provided personnel costs apply?
Select the periods which are to be included in the cost calculation.
Note: You can specify that a waiting time with costs is also evaluated. A waiting time occurs when, for example, a driver arrives at a stop-off point too early or too late and must wait there until they can pickup or deliver the goods.
If this option is enabled, the wage profile is only visible to the creator. Visible for all users in your company, but only the creator can modify the profile
If this option is enabled, the wage profile is visible to all employees in the company, but it can only be modified by the creator.
Visible for all users in your company, and anyone can modify the profile
If this option is enabled, the wage profile is visible to all employees in the company and anyone can modify the data. -
Confirm your entries with OK.