Route planning settings
Here you will find out which settings can be made for the route planning.
Under Specifications you can enter a fixed departure or arrival time and define which countries are avoided in route planning. In addition you can omit ferry trips from the calculation of driving time.
In the navigation tree, select the entry Route planning > Specifications.
Make the desired settings:
Section Element and description Fixed departure or arrival time
Here you can specify that a fixed departure or arrival time is set for each new route.
Note: Your specifications will only be incorporated into a new route plan.
Avoid countries Use the drop-down list to define which countries should not be passed through.
Ferries Exclude ferry time from the calculation of the driving time
If this option is enabled, ferry crossings are omitted from the calculation of the driving time.
Duration of the route Show info if the route cannot be travelled on a certain day
If the option is enabled, a note is displayed if the destination cannot be reached on the same day (24:00 hours).
Direct selection profiles Show cost profiles and wage profiles in the 'Settings' area
If the option is enabled, the selection in the route planning is shown in the Settings area.
Itinerary Use colours to highlight route points in low-emission zones
If this option is enabled, route points in low-emission zones are denoted with colours in the itinerary.
Height data Calculate height data
If this option is enabled, the height data is shown in the itinerary.
Local search Always show local search as an active tab
If this option is enabled, the local search tab is always active when a route plan is opened.
Stop-off points
Under Stop-off points special addresses (home address, favourites) can be entered and directly inserted in the list of stop-off points for route planning. A radius can also be entered for a via point, which serves as guideline for the route.
In the navigation tree, select the entry Route planning > Stop-off points.
Make the desired settings:
Section Element and description Via point Specify here, as a radius, how far from the via point should be driven.
Note: A via point is not directly driven to, it serves as a guideline for the route.
Home address Here you can enter a home address which can be added directly to the list of stop-off points in route planning (see Inserting home address as stop-off point)
Enter the address using the Search for Address button (see Entering addresses).
Use home address as starting point
If this option is enabled, the home address is always used as the starting point for route planning.
Fixed destination Here you can specify an address which is always to be entered into the list of stop-off points as a destination.
Enter the address using the Search for Address button (see Entering addresses).
If this option is enabled, the destination address is always used as the destination during route planning.
Favourites Here you can enter up to ten favourites which can be added directly to the list of stop-off points in route planning (see Inserting favourites as stop-off point).
Enter the address using the Search for Address button (see Entering addresses).
Stay duration Here you can define a default stay duration for every new stop-off point.
Use default stay duration
If this option is enabled, the specified default stay duration for every new stop-off point is applied and included in the route calculation. Additionally, the stay duration for every stop-off point can be adjusted individually (see Entering times ).
Time slot
Here you can define up to three standard time slots that are observed for each stop-off point.
Observe standard time slot
If this option is enabled, the specified time slots are applied for every new stop-off point and included in the route calculation.
use for home and destination address
If this option is enabled, the specified time slots are also taken into account for the home and destination address.
Orders You can shift orders in the stop-off point list.
In the settings you can specify whether the associated pickup or delivery point automatically moves too when you move a stop-off point, or whether the selected stop-off point alone is moved to a new position.
Under Vehicles, you can specify which properties of a vehicle are displayed in the route planning drop-down list and which properties are displayed as quick info in addition to vehicle names.
Tip: Here you can specify whether or not the version description, such as truck40t_02_00_M, is to be displayed in the vehicle name.
In the navigation tree, select the entry Route planning > Vehicles.
Mark the desired properties in the column Vehicle name and Quick info.
Route corridor
Under Route corridor you can enter the width of the corridor in which addresses are searched for.
Note: The larger the corridor, the longer it will take to calculate the route.
In the navigation tree, select the entry Route planning > Route corridor.
Enter the corridor width in km.
Driving times and rest periods
Under Driving times and rest periods you can specify whether the stay duration at a stop-off point is valued as a rest period or driving time break.
In the navigation tree select the entry Route planning > Driving time and rest periods.
Make the desired settings:
Section Element and description Rest period
Stay duration can be used as rest period or driving time break
If the option is enabled, the stay duration at a stop-off point is valued as break time or as driving break.
By using the Journey length greater or equal to [hh:mm] drop-down list, you can specify the minimum stay duration after which a rest period should be planned.
Tip: If you wish to restore this window to factory settings, click Restore default.
Emissions calculation
In the navigation tree, select the entry Route planning > Emissions calculation.
Specify the method by which emissions are to be calculated.
Element Description Setting Calculation according to HBEFA If the option is enabled, emissions are calculated on the basis of HBEFA (Handbook Emission Factors for Road Transport).
Note: Ensure that the emission-relevant technical data are specified for your vehicles (see Vehicle management: Specify the emission-relevant data ).
Option Calculation in accordance with EN 16258 If this option is enabled, energy consumption and the greenhouse gas emissions are calculated in accordance with the standard EN 16258 "Method for the calculation and declaration of energy consumption and emission of greenhouse gases in transport services (goods and passenger transport)".
If your vehicles run on biofuel, please specify the bio component in the fuel (diesel or petrol) as a percentage.
Please note that the use of this method requires the specification of prior and subsequent processes. Travel to the first loading point and the return journey must be specified. For example, if a trip starts and ends at a depot, the depot must be included as the starting point and the destination point in the list of stop-off points.
For the calculation in accordance with EN 16258 you can specify the method for determining the fuel consumption for each vehicle (see Vehicle management: Specify the method for determination of the fuel consumption)Calculation in accordance with decree no. 2017-639 option If this option is enabled, energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions are calculated in accordance with "Décret n° 2017-639 du 23 juin 2017 relatif à l'information sur la quantité de dioxyde de carbone émise à l'occasion d'une prestation de transport".
If your vehicles run on biofuel, please specify the bio component in the fuel (diesel or petrol) as a percentage.
Please note that the use of this method requires the specification of prior and subsequent processes. Travel to the first loading point and the return journey must be specified. For example, if a trip starts and ends at a depot, the depot must be included as the starting point and the destination point in the list of stop-off points.
For Calculation in accordance with decree no. 2017-639 you can specify the method for determining the fuel consumption for each vehicle (see Vehicle management: Specify the method for determination of the fuel consumption).